Friday, November 11, 2011


Copy-Right by obhi


ÜberIcon creates a more customizable atmosphere on your desktop by extending Windows to perform new effects when you launch your icons and folders. The effects are plugin-based to give you control over the look and feel. The name translates to "OverIcon" which will begin to make sense from the moment you see your first icon fly towards you. It's freeware, so what are you waiting for? Try it out!

Save You'r Facebook from Hacker

While on Facebook look @ you URL add,if you see http: instead of Https: then you dnt have a secure session&yiu can be hacked.Go to account> account settings>acc. security and click change.check the 1st box.and save the change.otherwise FB defaults to the non-secure setting.

Click the img. for Download...

Facebook hacking now very Easy


What is Phishing ??

Phishing is a way of hacking sensitive information such as user name,pass etc.the Word phishing is similar to Fishing where the fisherman puts a bait at the hook,thus pretending to be a genuine food for fish.but the hook inside it takes the complete fish out of the lake .. download this Docx and read it for full support ...


Adobe After Effect CS5

Adobe after Effects is primary used for creating motion graphics and Visual effects,after Effects allows users to animate,alter and composite media in 2D & 3D space with various Built in tools and third party plug ins,as well as individual attention to Variables like parallax and user adjustable angle of observation.


CrystalBlue XP Theme

Copy-Right by obhi

a nice theme for Windows xp .. 

click here for download ....

for more Xp theme .. clcik here ...

Design by Crack Down